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Difference Between Whey Protein And Mass Gainer

by Repfuel Sports 10 Apr 2023 2 Comments

Just imagine a rawboned little kid entering the gym for the first time. No matter what type of food and quantity he eats, he just remains the same. It always seems impossible to get muscles that he’s looking for you.

The most obvious reaction will be taking supplements to get those extra calories that his body desperately calling for. Now whether you are that kid or the guy giving him the advice, you need to know the difference between all the supplements.

And so, are we to answer all your queries at once for all. So what should you suggest? Mass gainer or whey protein? Let’s start the battle between the both.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is a primary protein supplement found from dairy products. It is the byproduct of the cheese-making process, providing the essential amount of amino acids and helping the inner athlete to perform well and shine bright,. It is usually a powdered form of supplement, can be added to water, milk or soft food such as smoothies.

Are Protein Supplements Safe To Consume?

The protein in these supplements helps cells to repair, transfer nutrients, and increase production of enzymes and hormone. Even if there’s no real threats associated with taking protein every day, but it can be dangerous if you exceed your daily intake.

Researchers and Doctors have culminated that ingredients and their proportions found in protein supplements can vary massively depending company to company. There are few supplements that may contain more than 30 different substances which may include caking agents and additives which could potentially cause a risk to your health in long term. There are also the chances of kidney and heart problems associated with protein supplements. Biologically, if we consume more than 30% of our daily calorie intake in form of supplement, it may cause problems to your health.

So the conclusion here is that, as it’s the naturally obtained supplement hence, it’s safe and healthy but if taken in huge amount then it may harm you directly or indirectly. It is the purest form of protein you can take.

Whey Protein Concentrates?

The amount of protein ranges between 20-80%, rest is amino acids, minerals and moisture.

Whey Isolate?

It’s the purest form of whey protein, providing 90-93% protein almost lactose-free with least fat content.

Whey Hydrolyzed?

The protein chain breaks into amino acids in then again in small substances easier to be absorbed by the body. It also prevents from any allergic reactions. Medical products, infant formulas, and sports supplements use this form of whey protein.

whey protein vs mass gainer

Mass Gainer

Mass gainers also have protein supplements, but the main difference between both is, the mass gainers have a high percent of carbohydrates and fats. That helps the user intake more calories to increase their weight. The ratio of carbohydrates to protein in mass gainers usually 2:1 and the maximum of calories obtained from this are thanks to the carbohydrates and a mixture of glucose and maltose.

When To Take Whey Protein?

Whey-in has been around for ages, is tested method for gym goers to revamp their physique. It helps fitness enthusiasts to achieve their dream body fueling their muscles and increase of tolerance power. On the other hand, it can also be used by an average gym boy to stay healthy and take fulfill the intake of calories needed.

whey protein

When Should You Take A Mass Gainer?

To put it simple, gainers are full of fats and carbohydrates with a good amount of protein; this allows your body to intake the specified number of calories needed to gain mass. This is the major difference between whey protein and a mass gainer, where a single serving of whey gives you 125-150 calories, and mass gainer gives you 1300-1500 calories per serving.

What To Go For?

To figure what to select and what not to depend entirely on what your body goal is. Few people want to bulk while others prefer shredding. The type of supplement you take must complement your body type.

Weight Gain And Bulking:

Gaining weight can be a pain for hard gainers. It is advised to take mass gainers for the intake of those extra calories that one might be unable to get from their meal. On the other hand, you should not stick to it for so long as they might add unnecessary fat to your body.

So Who Wins?

Therefore, it’s clear that whey protein is healthier and free from all kinds of fats and carbs, so whey protein has the upper hand over mass gainers.

There’s no replacement for a well-balanced diet, and although supplements can be taken to fulfill the shortage of calories, but it’s not something you can entirely rely on.

So to conclude, whey protein is medically the better supplement with regards to fewer risks, more protein, and a better overall result. Another cause is that it is used for multiple body types whereas mass gainers are useful for those who are trying to bulk. However, whey Protein can be crowned as a protein supplement champion!


20 May 2024

Very nice write-up. I absolutely love this site.
Stick with it!

20 May 2024

Very nice write-up. I absolutely love this site. Stick with it!

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